Swimming is nothing new for Kristy Bolan. A former “Swim Cougar” at the College of Charleston and YMCA coach, Kristy has been around competitive swimming her entire life. When asked three years ago to serve as a community coach for the Cavalier team, Kristy said the decision was an easy one. “I like staying involved with the sport that I love and enjoy volunteering and giving back to the school.”
Kristy loves encouraging the student athletes, watching them improve in practice, and performing well in meets. “I think swimming is one of the hardest sports, and it is not something that just anyone can do. You can’t fake your way through it. Swimming takes a lot of skill, concentration, and patience,” she said. Swim practices can be grueling, and though it is a team sport, swimmers race against the clock and compete against themselves. “Our athletes work to improve their times. Even if you do not win a race, if you can beat your time, that is a huge accomplishment,” noted Kristy.
Kristy is still an active swimmer as a member of the Swim Macon Masters adult team. Though she has not competed in several years, Kristy still enjoys the exercise. “It is a great sport for your joints!” Swimming is also a family affair. Kristy’s daughter, Sophie, is a sophomore and swims on the MDS team.
Community coaches bring an expertise in their sport to supplement staff leadership and are a key component to building a competitive athletic program. “We are thankful for Kristy’s leadership, love for the sport, and experience she brings to the team,” said Keith Hatcher, MDS athletic director.