By: Mary Pat Dadisman, Associate Head of School // MDS Musings Blog

As every school year begins, a theme tends to emerge and carry us through the always energizing and sometimes exhausting days we spend with young people. This year was no exception. Prior to the opening of school, the faculty and staff discussed at length what it means to have the “Courage to be Catholic.” This was not meant only in the religious sense of the word, but instead, intended to include all the things that go along with being a courageous Cavalier.
When people think of Catholic schools their thoughts turn to academic rigor, a structured environment, high behavioral expectations, consistent discipline, and teachers who guide students with firm but caring hands. We often remind our outstanding faculty that these things, along with the traditions of the Church, are what make us a Catholic school in every way. It would be disrespectful of us to allow misconduct when our families trust us to do otherwise. We must deliver what parents expect, and in many cases, it takes a good deal of courage to do so.

In a world where many are prioritizing comfort and self-indulgence, we aim to teach students the value of being a little bit uncomfortable at times and the importance of thinking of others before ourselves. We emphasize self-discipline. This, above all, takes tremendous courage, not only from the faculty members, but also from the parents who must grapple with the consequences when the results of poor decisions hit close to home.
The guideposts that have served Catholic schools so well for hundreds of years are worthy of preservation. We are committed to demonstrating the courage to address things that are not becoming of a Cavalier. We resolve to remind students that the world is bigger than they are. We pledge to treat our students with dignity and strive to be consistent, fair, kind, and firm with each and every one. We appreciate the sacrifices parents make to enroll their children at Mount de Sales and have great respect for the trust they place in us. We continue to strive for the courage it takes to work daily living up to the expectations that come with being a Catholic School and a Cavalier.
We are proud of our students and are inspired by their efforts to meet the high expectations of being a MDS Cavalier.
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Mount de Sales Academy is a private Catholic school located in Macon, GA, and serves students in Bibb, Houston, Jones, Monroe, Peach and other surrounding counties. MDS is sponsored and inspired by the Sisters of Mercy. Since 1876, MDS has served a diverse college-preparatory community of learners—students and teachers alike—who are poised to discover, challenged to innovate, and motivated to serve.