For more than 140 years, Mount de Sales has encouraged academic excellence, service to one’s community, and inclusivity among students. The graduating class of 2019 included more than 100 young men and women who now attend a variety of colleges and universities across the United States. In our Five Faces Feature, you will get to know several of our youngest alumni who were nominated by faculty and staff as outstanding representatives of Mount de Sales Academy.

Cesar’s work ethic extends beyond the soccer field. According to science teacher and student council advisor Mrs. Jill Smith, “In class, Cesar was the strong, silent personality. He didn’t have to say anything because he could give you a look that said it all. I loved having him in class.”
Over the past year, Cesar started his own furniture business. What began as a way to make spending money quickly evolved into a small business. His grandfather taught him how to build a bed-frame, which Cesar sold. He continued to grow his business this summer, procuring additional tools and materials with profits. Cesar is attending Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville. His goal is to earn a civil engineering degree and go into business with his father, building custom homes.
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Mount de Sales Academy is a private Catholic school located in Macon, GA, and serves students in Bibb, Houston, Jones, Monroe, Peach and other surrounding counties. MDS is sponsored and inspired by the Sisters of Mercy. Since 1876, MDS has served a diverse college-preparatory community of learners—students and teachers alike—who are poised to discover, challenged to innovate, and motivated to serve.