Page Break 2024 Edition
We welcome you to view our 2024 Page Break here.
About the Page Break: For decades, students have published a literary magazine sponsored by the Mount de Sales Academy English Department. The publication, which has had different names through the years, including Inklings, Cavalier Cavalcade, The Hard Copy, up to its current masthead, Page Break, features original creative writing pieces in the form of short stories and poems as well as artwork in a variety of mediums, including digital drawings, photography, and paintings.
Page Break gives upper school students opportunities to see their work published, motivates creative students, and gives them an audience for their work. Student staff members gain skills in organization, management, and teamwork. They review submitted works and select which pieces will be published, edit writing pieces, create the layout for the final copy, and publicize the magazine to their peers through videos, announcements and flyers.