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Next Wednesday, October 19th, is our fall “Lunch on the Lawn.” All parents are invited to join us from 12:15 -1:00 pm, to eat lunch with your children and your Mount de Sales friends. You may bring fast food, a home-packed picnic, or buy cookout-style food from our cafeteria. There will also be a baked goods sale going on during lunch to raise money for our “Helping Hands” club.  We’re hoping for beautiful fall weather, so you will want to bring lawn chairs, towels, or blankets for seating!
If you would like to pick up lunch from the cafeteria please use the following link to indicate your order so we can provide a count to our Flik staff. You will pay on Wednesday, using your child’s Flik account. If you are unable to attend this event and your student normally eats in the cafeteria, please indicate his or her order here as well.