Thanksgiving is a season for family, friends, good eating, and gratitude. Katie Hulsey, FLIK manager and chef at Mount de Sales, shares her favorite family Thanksgiving recipe in this blog post. Katie is a culinary graduate from Helms College and has worked with FLIK and MDS for five years.

Katie’s parents, Tracy and Dale, met in high school in Georgia. After graduation, Tracy joined the Air Force and was stationed in Alaska. Dale became a stay-at-home dad as their family expanded to include Zachary, Tara, and Katie. Katie was born in Alaska and lived in Montana before her family moved back to Georgia when she was ten years old. It was about this time that Katie and her mother began their tradition of cooking the family’s Thanksgiving meal together. Though the youngest of three children, Katie shared her mother’s love of cooking and quickly became her mother’s sous chef. Katie’s favorite part of Thanksgiving is sharing one-on-one time with her mother followed closely by her love of their sage-cornbread dressing. This dressing is a staple at all the major family events such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
Hulsey Thanksgiving Meal
Cornbread dressing
Mashed potatoes
Sweet potato casserole topped with pecans
Green bean casserole
Roasted Brussel sprouts
Pumpkin roll
Yeast rolls
Sage-Cornbread dressing
Southern Living 1984 Annual Recipes, Recipe by Laura W. Fuller
3 cups crumbled cornbread
2 cups crumbled biscuits
2 cups chicken stock
2 large onions, finely chopped
1 cup celery, finely chopped
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
1 tsp dried sage
Saute onions and celery in melted butter until translucent. Combine all ingredients in large mixing bowl and stir to combine. Spoon mixture into a lightly greased 9×13 baking dish. Bake uncovered at 325 for 1 hour or until golden brown. Yields 8 – 10 servings.
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Mount de Sales Academy is a private Catholic school located in Macon, GA, and serves students in Bibb, Houston, Jones, Monroe, Peach and other surrounding counties. MDS is sponsored and inspired by the Sisters of Mercy. Since 1876, MDS has served a diverse college-preparatory community of learners—students and teachers alike—who are poised to discover, challenged to innovate, and motivated to serve.