By: April Hammet, 6th grade teacher

It is widely known that Mount de Sales Academy is an independent Catholic school founded by the Sisters of Mercy. We have educated and formed the characters of young people for over 140 years. We go about our business on a beautiful campus near Mercer University, but who are we on the inside and what is it like to be a middle schooler at MDS?
In their own words:
New middle school students are asked to reflect on their transition from elementary school each fall. Without fail, the top experiences include:
- We can walk and talk with other students between classes.
- We can walk and talk with our teachers between classes.
- We feel trusted.
- We have a break every morning and great food at lunch.
- We feel respected.
They also have some advice for future middle schoolers.
- Learn your locker combination as soon as possible.
- Check your Moodle pages each day for all homework and class materials.
- Bring your iPad every day and have it fully charged.
- Always know where your House t-shirt is located so that you can grab it quickly on the mornings you need it.
- Mrs. Jones (in the main office) keeps peppermints on the counter in her office.
- Mr. Bartlett (counselor) has quite a sense of humor and an odd smelling candle.
- Mrs. Alderman (principal) loves to spin some tunes during House games.
- Father Frank is always ready with a smile, a kind word, or a prayer when needed.

In the MDS Middle School, there is as much learning going on as there is fun. Who is to say that the two aren’t one and the same most of the time as middle-schoolers experience field trips, church crawls, and outdoor learning to enhance their educational experience?
From my perspective, one of the best things about our middle school is the reasonably sized classes so that the teachers really get to know the students. In return, the students can get the best guidance from an instructor who not only knows where they need help, but also saw them at their last game, meet, or went along with them to their last robotics competition.
At Mount de Sales Middle School, teachers give students the loving push into the next phase of their lives. We are here on campus to support and encourage the students throughout each day. While you are stepping back as a parent, you need not step away. We love watching your children, our students, blossom in the Upper School because of the strong foundation established in Father John Cuddy Hall.
Come worship, cheer, dine, chat, sing along, and grow with us.