20/20 Fund
We’re Celebrating the
20th Anniversary of Cavalier Fields!
In the early 1990s, Sister Rosina Bayliss, Coach Robert Slocum, and the MDS board had a wild dream – the “Dream of Fields.” Dedicated on August 16, 1998, Cavalier Fields became the premier high school athletic complex in the area.
Improvements to the fields are crucial for Cavalier athletes to continue to practice and perform under the best possible conditions throughout the next 20 years! The 20/20 Fund priorities include a new track and D-zone, irrigation pond, maintenance equipment, bus, and soccer field fence. The total goal is $400,000. Click on the 20/20 Fund picture for more information or call Laura Johnson at 478-751-3248. Naming opportunities are available.
$75,000 left to raise! How can you help?
Share Your Memories of Cavalier Fields and Sr. Rosina!
Memories may be printed in the de Sales Sheet Magazine.