Mrs. Emily Brown, College Counselor
This semester, Mount de Sales juniors are hitting the road to start their journey to college! There are quite a few upcoming opportunities to visit colleges and attend college fairs.
- Georgia College and State University – On Monday, February 6, we will be taking a tour of GCSU. We will leave campus at 8:00 a.m. and return around 12:30 p.m. After our tour, we will enjoy lunch in The Max, GCSU’s student dining hall. The cost for this trip is $12. Space is limited, so please encourage your student to secure his or her spot by returning the permission slip (available in the College Counseling Office) and money.
- College Bus Tour – On March 7-8, we will be taking a tour of colleges and universities in Alabama. (University of Alabama, Auburn University, Birmingham-Southern College & Samford University). This is a great way to help students find a college or university that they feel would be a good fit for them. Even if these schools hold no particular interest for them, it helps them gain experience and insight to be used at future college visits. A letter will be sent to all juniors and their parents by February 1 detailing the specific itinerary.
- NACAC College Fair – The National Association of College Admission Counseling is hosting a fair in Atlanta on Sunday, March 19 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. This is a great event as 200+ colleges and universities will be present to answer questions and provide information. This is an event that is open to the public, so you and your family can certainly attend. Mount de Sales will be taking a student bus as well. More information, including permission slips, will be available late February.
- Colleges That Change Lives Information Session – On May 24, CTCL will be hosting an information session and college fair in Atlanta from 7p.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m. Named after the book of the same title, Colleges That Changes Lives is an organization that seeks to change the way people think about colleges by dispelling popularly held myths and challenging the conventional wisdom about college choice. This program is also open to the public and may be an event that you and your family would like to attend together. We will also be taking a bus for those students who are interested in going. More information will be available in the spring.
Students are always encouraged to go on college visits with their families. If tight schedules prohibit travel, the college search can also be done at home using tools such as Naviance’s SuperMatch, the College Board’s Big Future as well as a host of others.
However your student is able to gather information, it is important that they start gathering it now in order to begin building a college list. I look forward to working with each of them to refine that list and choose a college that is the perfect fit for them!