by Izzy Yousif, 9th grader & Cavalier Ambassador
Here at Mount de Sales, every student is a Cavalier. The perfect representation of mercy, respect, and responsibility makes the students worthy of being Cavaliers.
The most important quality we possess is mercy. The Mount de Sales motto, “MDS is mercy,” is not taken lightly throughout our school. We believe that, by showing forgiveness, we can better our relationship with God and the people around us. Through required service hours and other extracurriculars, students are able to put their mercy into action. MDS makes it a priority to teach their students about this topic. Teachers make sure that God is pleased with the unconditional grace we Cavaliers have shown throughout our lives.
Another essential quality of being a Cavalier is respect. Mount de Sales pushes us to show respect to others, ourselves, and our environment. We are encouraged to love and care for those around us every day. At MDS, we are motivated to do simple yet effective acts of kindness. From holding a door open for someone to helping them clean up their spilled drink, Cavaliers exhibit a wide range of respect. Through theology and self-development classes, students are encouraged to love themselves. Here at Mount de Sales, we know that loving ourselves is vital. We call to mind that by respecting our bodies, we are respecting God’s creation. MDS cultivates ways to respect our environment by providing an ample amount of clubs and opportunities. Through the environmental club and gardening club, students are presented with the opportunity to help take care of our earth. By doing projects such as cleaning a river, planting trees, and nurturing a bee’s nest, we are making an impact.
The final imperative quality of every great Cavalier is responsibility. Managing our actions and assignments makes us more responsible, and we become model Cavaliers because of it. By keeping up with assignments and tests, students are learning valuable life skills such as time management and productivity. We are instructed on ways to complete assignments promptly and with care. This leads us to be better students in the classroom and better Cavaliers to our community. MDS implores students to take accountability for their mistakes. We know that by owning up to our wrongdoings, we are forgiven in the eyes of God, and that is what matters most.
The model Mount de Sales Cavalier is merciful, respectful, and responsible. Students successfully put these words into action with the help and care of our school. As a Cavalier Ambassador, I can say that MDS has given me the tools to become the best version of myself. Through service hours I have learned the importance of being merciful to others and giving back to my community. Through clubs and various classes, I have learned to respect others, myself, and my environment. Finally, through assignments and projects, I have learned to become a better and more productive student. Through Mount de Sales, I have learned to become a substantial Cavalier. This is what it means to be a Cavalier.