Grade 6 (9:00 am-12:15 pm) Grade 7 (12:00 pm-3:15 pm) Grade 9 & all brand new upper school students (8:00 am-12:30 pm) Parents Only Orientation for all middle school parents, all 9th grade parents and all brand-new-to-MDS parents (6:00 pm)
Girls Varsity 5K - Marisol Hernandez-Perez placed 17/75 runners Boys Varsity 5K - Bennett Griffin placed 16/83 runners David Kay, Aiden Wells and Eli Chapman were 22/23/24 of 83 runners Dillon Wells was 32nd to round out our Top 5 Boys Varsity Team - 4th Place out of 10 Teams MS Boys 3K Parker Johns…